

Miksy's Playground is an interactive online platform that informs you how to help me raise money to start my own recording studio.

Birthed out of the desperation and call to follow my dream, pursue my passion and one day win an Oscar for the best Original Score, Miksy's Playground invites you to join me on this journey and take part in the featured events.

Miksy's Playground also keeps you up to date with future events, sneak previews and news regarding the progress of this very ambitious and entirely unreasonable (and thus totally worth pursuing) mission.

The Girl Behind The Dashboard

My name is Maike and I recently finished my Masters in Music. I love Western-Classical music. I struggle to get excited about any other genre of music, but funnily enough I enjoy composing for anything and everything media-related.

Unfortunately for me, I don't have my own equipment. I do have kitchen tools and a sewing machine, though! Thus, since I love making natural, healthy food and other lovely things, I will use what I have to raise funds for what I have yet to receive.

So you get Miksy's playground. A cross between an online shop and a recording studio, this website brings you fundraising 'events' that occur periodically. These events aren't things like "Huge fundraiser at local church" but rather small things like: "Order online, and I'll provide".*

 And those are just the details of my life. The important thing is I am loved, I am found, I have purpose, I have Life and I have a joy that will stay with me, even if all else (including this project) fails.

*This is limited to Cape Townians due to restricted delivery access.

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