

11th April 2013:
So the website is up and running and you know about it!

22nd April 2013:
The support thus far has been GREAT! I want to thank EVERYONE what has bought things for themselves and their friends and family. Last week I spend most of my time 'in production' - making orders and delivering as well as trying out some new products. I have made vegan cheese and other nut cheeses. The recipes thus far are not to my satisfaction. I have also been tending to my sourdough for a while. I am finally content with that. Other things are in the pipeline of which I am unwilling to publicise details just yet. I am excited.

This week I will be posting posters about Miksy's Playground at public libraries and other community boards. If anyone would like to hang up a few posters at their work please let me know and I'll get the posters to you!

I also need to make business cards. So far everything has been handwritten. At the end of the week I want a big supply of tags and cards that I can hand out and have on hand. I know exactly what my business cards one day will look like, but right now those are too expensive to make and so I will have to settle for a elegant yet simple print.

The most celebrated fact at the moment though is that I have raised about 5% of the funds for GOAL 1!
A sound production/recording studio costs A LOT of money. BUT I am willing to start small (clearly! I mean, crunchies and a blog) and GOAL 1 of this fundraiser is to purchase a laptop and software so that I can produce music for smaller projects. Of course a laptop and one piece of software won't do when I want to get into Hollywood Score Writing, but for now GOAL 1 is a dream well within my reach and a viable step 1.

Estimated costs will be about R6 000 - R10 000 for a laptop that won't lag TOO MUCH when editing videos and writing music. Although I am not a fan of Macintosh, I am saving up for an apple laptop - the specifics of which I have not decided on yet. I have a few options and many friends with good advice. For now my focus is on getting more funds in.

The software I need is Logic Pro 9. That will cost me about R2 000 online. So for GOAL 1, to have an exact amount in mind, is R10 000.

I am optimistic and energetic, excited and grateful, a bit daunted by the future of the potential for website (to be, not just a blog!) but my heart is in it! And it really is YOU who makes this all possible. Thanks!

30th April 2013:

And another week has gone by!
My savings have almost doubled, but some investments have also been made, so a bit of a drawback. I am just under 10% of the way to reaching Goal 1. Stoked. 10% is good. Better than < 10% :)

I have secured and and am planning and working on a new web page. This is where things get serious - I need to put my ideas to paper and get some guys on board. This is exciting for YOU if you are reading this, because I'm sure you can contribute somehow if you'd like (drop me a mail!).

I was also not well last week, so spend most of my time in bed and working on two new products when I a well received burst of energy decided to visit me. One project was food, one was craft. My curry paste is made and deliveries will proceed shortly.

The business cards and posters have not yet been made. This was mainly due to my indecision - what website URL do I put at the bottom?? Now that I know, I can proceed with that. But this project is too precious for me to be slowed down by little bouts of indecision. In fact this whole thing came about because I just went for it and decided not to think too hard about it, as that is always the first step in my life to turning away.

I was meditating last night on how amazing God is - He really gave me no choice BUT to start Miksy's Playground. But that testimony is for a later stage, or for a face to face conversation :)

Praise our Saviour! He provides, and in HIM is fullness of joy.

Back to the point - progress was made last week but at a slowed and steady pace. After a great first business meeting last night/fellowship dinner vibe at a for the time being anonymous friend's home, I am invigorated and also relieved. It's nice to know I'm not in this alone! And this too is encouraging:

To snailing on!

14th May 2013:

I was pleasantly encouraged when I saw my 'snailing on' picture a few lines above. Last week, as you may have noticed, I did not post a progress report.
Two reasons: The week to report on was not too productive. This discouraged me from writing. Secondly, hoping to make some sort of comeback before I report, I put it off. But then I had no sales last week... Awkward!

So... sales wise, I have not increased on the 10% bar towards goal 1.
But other things have happened! The news is not all bad!

I have started a fundfind account where a few sponsors have decided to contribute to my Sound Production Studio (click here for more details). I also got a very surprising and pleasant email from a special young man in Canada (whom I know) prior to that. He wanted to know my bank details so that he could make a donation since he likes what I am doing here on Miksy's Playground. These things not only bring me closer to my goal financially, but the encouragement I gain from having any support however large or small is invaluable. Surprised like that are unspeakably cool. Thank you everyone.

Today I found out that I won a fairly fancy camera and tripod. Yippeeee! I won this in the wix promote yourself competition with a slightly modified version of my Miksy's Playground launch video. I was praying for first prize, but am very grateful for second. God is good.

I must confess, I have been lagging on the web development side of things. I am a bit overwhelmed by all the decisions I need to make regarding the website, but as my lovely (and very newly acquired) fiance pointed out, no decision needs to be absolutely final and I can always change things. I forget this. A lot. This too encourages me to move forward and not get stuck in the mud.

Some sneak previews for this week: Our very first guest crafter (for lack of a better term, suggestions please?) will feature and offer a fantastic and nifty product here on Miksy's Playground. More info will be given about this mystery guest in one of the upcoming events. I am also working on another little video, that, depending on what I can lend from whom when, will be out in the next seven days I hope, maybe even before the end of the week! Today I must finish a custom made hoody that, although not for sale to the public, will be shown here when it is complete.

Have I missed out on anything? Nope! Back to the sewing machine!

21st May 2013:

You will be pleased to know that I did everything I set out to do last week!
Our guest, Danielle Smith, sold her jean stirrups and I finished that hoody I mentioned. Yay! I also spent some time last week designing the new website and creating it. I don't think that will be done in the next two weeks, but I am hoping in the next two - four weeks. I suppose I have the (painful) advantage that my fiance is going on a lovely holiday across Europe and England over the next three weeks so I aiming to be quite busy with work and social things to make the time go by swiftly.

In order to increase funds I am trying to persuade some companies for funding with a payback from my part in musical rewards. I have sent out a large number of emails. No bites yet.
But on we march :) Till next week!

12th June 2013:

No sales guys... no sales...

Ok... it is a little awkward...

20th June 2012:

So, although there still have been no sales, I have been blessed with the resources to buy myself that laptop and logic pro 9 (music production and editing software). Thanks to all who have contributed thus far!

I've been playing with my new toy over this past week! Woohoo! One thing that is a shame is that the Internet in my flat doesn't work well at all... but I don't need that to write music, and when the internet works I work on my website. I've made considerable progress on that front (check out Wordpress is, however, giving me problems in that any posts or pages I make return a 404 error. I have been working on this problem for a while and still cannot find a solution. I also don't have access to my Internet files with the php code, so I am a bit stuck. But that's fine.

I am now saving for a MIDI Keyboard! The one I want is the M-Audio Keystation Pro 88. It will cost me R4000 or more unless I get a good deal. I always get good deals, praise God. His favour rests upon me!

I have also given three clients quotes on music services they would like. I doubt I'll get work from them, but it's a start...

I spend some time fiddling with my new software, playing with mixers and equalizers and all sorts of other things that I didn't know existed. Although I know lots about classical music, melodic construction and chord progressions, I know little about the technicalities of sound production. I know enough to produce a decent product. But this isn't exceptional, and thus to me not acceptable. Fortunately or unfortunately for me it has to be acceptable for now, but not if this is to be my career. So I am applying for a scholarship to study Sound Production next year. May the Lord bless me in that! Up until then I am working from home and doing odds and ends. I have applied for some jobs and would be keen to work somewhere part time or full time (as long as it's interesting!) for six months while I wait to hear whether I get a scholarship to study some more. One would think that after 18 years of solid scholarship I would get tired of it. Well, I did, but Sound Production is actually something I want to learn out of pure interested and necessity to further my skill.

So that's me! Exciting times! Follow your dream. But more importantly, follow God. What a Blesser He is. Some think God is malicious. I don't know much, but what I do know is that God is everything but that. So just let Him be good to you :) You'll be amazed how much will change if you just surrender.

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